What have you been up to in Elite?

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JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Hi KP DW2 is an expedition "Distant worlds 2" that left Pallaeni on 13 January for Beagle Point the estimated distance was >73k ly. The list of participants has over 15,000 cmdrs, although on the start day there were about 12,000. There were 3 start times Europe, USA, ans Australia, on the first start the servers crahed. Captains log shows that I have done 1715 jumps but it might have missed some, distance from Sol more than 65k ly. Weapons choice is probably personal preferance - my KraitII has 1 3c beam laser Mod lightweight 2 3c multi-cannon al gimballed and 2 turreted m/c Mod efficient. The important thing to me is that all the core stuff is modded particularly the power distributorwhich is weapon focused *****. May not suit everyone bur does for me. Hope that's of some help.


JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

One of the organisers of DW2 was Dr.Kai, does anybody else use his (Dr.Kai), GUI profiler tool to change the very orange colours of the standard GUI and if so what are your settings? Only available on PC.


KikiPitts avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Thanks, JV and SD1!

my recovery going super...nurse very pleased - and said no problem going downstairs today, so watch out, pirates, Kiki is mining today!

More good mining information for our informal squadron here:

FYI you guys: There is a subreddit on mining that is very helpful:

This post is so valuable, just this one! It is how to map a particular asteroid so you can go back again and again and re-mine one (they replenish in 2 hours). Particularly if you are core-mining, they are few and far between, but worth finding!

Last core I did I filled 14 LTD (low temp diamonds) cargo and sold then for over 15M!
ONE asteroid! So, imagine knowing where that sucker is and going there anytime and picking up a quick 15M when needed?

Unfortunately, that was before I read of GS's technique! Grrr. I know what system it was but no idea now which planet or ring. It is a system with 5 ringed planets!

So, the point:
Keep a log - take good notes. Screenshot your location, and follow rest of GoldenShadows' advice. It is really quite brilliant.

#2 - Use this site: http://edtools.ddns.net/
a terrific miners tool. It is all you need to know where to mine and where to sell LTD and Void Opals as well as Painite and Benitoite. (Plus a Rags to Riches route planner!)

Get you money, build your ideal ship, then - well - The sky is the limit!

Good day, Commanders!

Space hugs all round!

Kiki Pitts

coloured textCommander Kiki Pittscoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured text

Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 5 years ago.

JV I have only looked at the profilers that give you the sliders so you can see the result on screen ...then input the numbers into the file to change when you are happy.
When I get the time I will change mine but so far have been too lazy.

glad the op went well KP


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

One of the organisers of DW2 was Dr.Kai, does anybody else use his (Dr.Kai), GUI profiler tool to change the very orange colours of the standard GUI and if so what are your settings? Only available on PC.
- JayVee

I'd love to know how to do that too. That bright orange is burning my eyeballs out! Cry


JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

If you do a search for Dr. Kai you should get a link to his website look for ED profiler


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Thks JV!

Anyhoo ... mining wasn't for me so I've invested in a Python and loaded it out for a wander around:

Weapons: 3C Eng. Beam Laser. 2 X 3C Multi Cannons (Don't want to get killed for lack of shooting back)

Utility Rack: 3 X OA Shield Boosters (OK so I'm paranoid) Heat Sink Launcher


1A Military Composite Bulkheads.
7A Power Plant
6A Thrusters
4A Life Support
7A Power Dist.
6A Sensors


6E Cargo Rack (64)
6A Shield Cell Bank (More paranoia)
6C Bi-weave Shield Generator
5A Scoop
5D Hull Reinforcement
3A Collector Limpet
2H Veh. Hangar (1 Scarab ... I'm a very careful driver)
Detailed Surface Scanner
Advanced Dock Comp.

All running power usage is 90% Jump Min 14.0 LY Max 15.5

Can anyone think of anything crucial I should be taking apart from my bath towel and rubber duck?


JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Looks good to me, could do with upping the jump range would be my only comment. If you still need meta alloys my offer still stands.


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Thanks JV. We'll have to get together and set a time and date. Don't know how I'm going to squeeze in past the big nasty though. Cry


KikiPitts avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Hey - Good Morning, Commanders!

Had a good day yesterday - was able to sit at computer for 3 hours! Made about 30m core mining - Alex, Grand and LTD in Ross 376 System (keep that under your helmet, fellas) but main accomplishment was sitting that long and outrunning an interdiction.

Yesterday was all in open play, and that is a first...plus I actually bought some stuff in Diaguandri and sold it in Ross 376 and bought something in Ross and sold it in Dia!
My first MISSION! ever.

REMINDER: Clauss Mines station has NO limpets for sale!!!

Skydog, I wouldn't give up on core mining...there is no way to make money faster and more reliably. What is your biggest challenge?

Happy Skies

Kiki Pitts

coloured textCommander Kiki Pittscoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured text

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 5 years ago.

REMINDER: Clauss Mines station has NO limpets for sale!!!
- KikiPitts

Ya, thats because that station doesn't have restock.

I'm not sure how good the system/station is anymore but I used to live in Neto, Ising Vision. It's a reasonable base station, about 650LS from the star and its High Tech with a large population so you get a decent selection of modules. The Pixel Bandits Security Force claimed the system a long time ago while I was still based there but honestly I have never seen them in that system ever. You can always check various databases for pristine ice/metallic rings to mine up if you want to focus on that. Where are you based

Honestly I actually liked mining before the void opal rush as well. It was decent money mining painite but it wasn't my main source of income, more of just something to try out because i already got rich from grinding empire and fed ranks (absolute nightmare). At the time, it actually made about as much as bounty hunting.


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Skydog, I wouldn't give up on core mining...there is no way to make money faster and more reliably. What is your biggest challenge?

Happy Skies

Kiki Pitts[/quote]

As it says in the 'Good Book' ... What doth it profit a man if he gains the whole world and blows it all on an Anaconda?

Well something like that anyway.

Read an interesting post on another forum yesterday, some bloke had got the lot, All Elites and a warehouse full of credits.

He wiped the slate clean and went back to the beginning with a Sidewinder and 1000Cr. Now THAT'S the true spirit of ED!


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 5 years ago.

i really want to do that but it is incredibly difficult to just delete all that work.


JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

I have this problem where I prefer the start of games, in
the X series games after I built a reasonable empire I would start again and again and so on. Choosing different start scenarios, I have now used my spare cmdr in ED that I used to start anew he's on DW2. I have 3 elite cmdrs and can't start again. Confused


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

So there I was doing an honest day's labour of slaughtering malefactors, scallywags, wascally wapscallions, thieves and general scumbags for the common good and some dumb flatfoot crosses my bows when I'm trading insults with the ratbag. I mean it was only a lickle tickle wiv me beam laser guvnor and then everyone and his dog sets about me leaving the real villain to scuttle off behind a rock somewhere. Needless to say that I got off the mark pdq and headed to pay my fine at the nearest port and what do they do to me? ''Off to the chokey with you me laddo''

Can anyone smuggle me some snout in at visiting time? and the 'ladies' are giving me funny looks in the shower block. Bugger! I've dropped the soap again.... Bricks

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