Hi, I'm doing DW2 using my alt PC Cmdr Mr. Do, was a last minute decision just managed to get enough to buy a Phantom partially engineer it, kit it out and enough credits for 2 rebuys. Will get to WP4 later today, it is very time consuming, but enjoyable. Not much else to do atm as the BGS seems to be broken.
What have you been up to in Elite?


Stickguey (8)


Cruguey (18)

Dang still? I noticed it when looking for famine states but i thought they would have fixed it by now.

Proguey (12)

Just read about a group of gankers trying to kill as many peeps as possible on the DW2 trip!!!
Did not think they would be able to get away with that...open still appears to be somewhat... err..open!
Hope not too many good people are affected....is there a shipyard on the base ship ?would imagine there would have to be for rebuys.
Take care and watch yor six JayVee
Did not think they would be able to get away with that...open still appears to be somewhat... err..open!
Hope not too many good people are affected....is there a shipyard on the base ship ?would imagine there would have to be for rebuys.
Take care and watch yor six JayVee

Cruguey (18)

That is strange. I actually had a lot of trouble finding info about that... almost like distant ganks 2 is being suppressed somehow.
Anyway "ganking" seems to be a bigger issue than before. For example, last time I played when I would get attacked in open, it was almost always a pirate or folks hanging around CGs. Now the tactic has changed. I have been getting interdicted then they try to ram you to death. Thats it, no pirating or looking for a fight. Just ram people. Each time I was able to easily high wake out cause my vette is super tanked but i actually feel bad for those people not flying heavily engineered ships. And no, i'm not talking about his occurring one time then complaining about it, I played for about 2 weeks and was ram attacked 13 times. It was happening so much that I started recording the encounters.
Really though not much is going to fix the game short of going full eve online style. You attack somebody in a system with security, you are dead. Kill too many people and enter a system with security, you are dead. With frontier unwilling to fix their game, I can't really see how it can survive for much longer as a MMO. I get they want to recreate the old games in a modern engine. sadly they seem to forget that people are asses online and without systems in place to deal with it, it just gets out of control. the C & P system they have now is an absolute joke that punishes people who have done nothing wrong while letting the real bad guys do whatever they want.
I'm not saying im against pvp, I love a good fight and the danger of knowing anything can happen. Its just in elite, its so bad. currently there is absolutely no reason to ever play in open. If i get pirated, yeah thats fine. I get caught at a CG and they want my cargo, awesome! i get interdicted and rammed constantly... why? whats the point.

Anyway "ganking" seems to be a bigger issue than before. For example, last time I played when I would get attacked in open, it was almost always a pirate or folks hanging around CGs. Now the tactic has changed. I have been getting interdicted then they try to ram you to death. Thats it, no pirating or looking for a fight. Just ram people. Each time I was able to easily high wake out cause my vette is super tanked but i actually feel bad for those people not flying heavily engineered ships. And no, i'm not talking about his occurring one time then complaining about it, I played for about 2 weeks and was ram attacked 13 times. It was happening so much that I started recording the encounters.
Really though not much is going to fix the game short of going full eve online style. You attack somebody in a system with security, you are dead. Kill too many people and enter a system with security, you are dead. With frontier unwilling to fix their game, I can't really see how it can survive for much longer as a MMO. I get they want to recreate the old games in a modern engine. sadly they seem to forget that people are asses online and without systems in place to deal with it, it just gets out of control. the C & P system they have now is an absolute joke that punishes people who have done nothing wrong while letting the real bad guys do whatever they want.
I'm not saying im against pvp, I love a good fight and the danger of knowing anything can happen. Its just in elite, its so bad. currently there is absolutely no reason to ever play in open. If i get pirated, yeah thats fine. I get caught at a CG and they want my cargo, awesome! i get interdicted and rammed constantly... why? whats the point.

Proguey (12)

yeah totally agree with your post mate.....I believe some time back they were ramming ships around stations that were over the speed limit (most of us I guess) in their Sidewinders so they do not lose anything but cost the other ship a rebuy plus a fine...sad gameplay!
Think it was on reddit maybe, (I can check if you like) where it was stated by an actual group that it was their intention to gank DW2.
addit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/ad3sgq/warning_about_a_planned_attack_against_dw2/
Obviously of the open reputation I refuse to play there which I regret, but would rather play the game where combat is done in a situation that you have some say in, either build your ship for combat or not.
Seems to me one is forced to build a tank in open which to me is not what the game is about I believe.
Brings to mind when I first started the game there was an episode where some ahole had called the Fuel Rats for help and then killed them when they arrived...sad gameplay!
However I watched a utube where some cmd had tracked this ahole down and wasted him...really worth a look at that video if you have not seen it.
Think it was on reddit maybe, (I can check if you like) where it was stated by an actual group that it was their intention to gank DW2.
addit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/ad3sgq/warning_about_a_planned_attack_against_dw2/
Obviously of the open reputation I refuse to play there which I regret, but would rather play the game where combat is done in a situation that you have some say in, either build your ship for combat or not.
Seems to me one is forced to build a tank in open which to me is not what the game is about I believe.
Brings to mind when I first started the game there was an episode where some ahole had called the Fuel Rats for help and then killed them when they arrived...sad gameplay!
However I watched a utube where some cmd had tracked this ahole down and wasted him...really worth a look at that video if you have not seen it.

Stickguey (8)

I've never been attacked by another player on PS4 and mostly use open, my main cmdr on PC found Mobius early on and almost alwats used this, but returning to Jameson in an Anacnbda in open once got interdicted and killed by 3 cmdrs. My DW2 cmdr was stupid enough to think the start system would be policed and lost his ship, luckily respawned at base in the system. There is no base ship, but sometimes we enter a system with a base. Now in fleetcom private group, but the gankers are reported to be following so lesson is stay in PG.

Proguey (12)

Glad the outcome was not too bad, long way to return if you end up back in the bubble like a lot of others...they are really pricks those gankers.
would like to play in a group but it would probably have to be in an Aus group if there is one because of the time zone thing.
Had actually joined Mobius on the PS4 but never used it so dunno how it works.
Presently trying for the Guardian fsd booster, getting rolled a lot by the Sentinels even with the ship helping with the missiles lol....have not got to the point of grabbing the blueprints yet but am still alive...good fun.
would like to play in a group but it would probably have to be in an Aus group if there is one because of the time zone thing.
Had actually joined Mobius on the PS4 but never used it so dunno how it works.
Presently trying for the Guardian fsd booster, getting rolled a lot by the Sentinels even with the ship helping with the missiles lol....have not got to the point of grabbing the blueprints yet but am still alive...good fun.

Markoguey (10)

Learning (the hard way of course) how to land on a planet system within reach of where I want to be. First time I tried it I totally fluked it no problems. After that I chased my tail flying in and out of orbital cruise and going round in circles. As my missus says, you blokes never read the instruction manuals! SO I went on Youtube and watched a few instruction vids. Doing OK now though I'm still not sure how far short of a station to drop out of orbtal and into glide. It does make things interesting to say the least. :o)

Proguey (12)

i am not an expert.....having said that I usually come into the planet with the target near the edge of the planet and not directly down if you know what I mean.....;that is when you get that red band that makes it too steep to land safely.
Also I do slow down a bit too, if I am too far away I just level off until I know I can drop down.
maybe someone else can explain it better, but I only made the comment because I do not seem to have any trouble landing planetside.
grinding empire rank atm.
ps. how is DW2 going jayvee ?
Also I do slow down a bit too, if I am too far away I just level off until I know I can drop down.
maybe someone else can explain it better, but I only made the comment because I do not seem to have any trouble landing planetside.
grinding empire rank atm.
ps. how is DW2 going jayvee ?

Markoguey (10)

Met my first Type 10 today ... twice. In the same place. It assaulted me as soon as it dragged me from jump by the scruff of my neck and proceeded to eviscerate me in short order ... twice. :o( My no claims discount is up the creek. My poor little Asp Ex didn't stand a snowball's in hell. Should I get a Mamba and go and sort it out? It would be worth it just for the hell of it. ;o)

Proguey (12)

Sorry to hear that mate, that is why heaps of people play in solo or groups, as stated before. Fdev are not fixing the problem for some strange reason and people are leaving the game because of it...sad !

Markoguey (10)

No harm done Bazr. I was playing in solo so where this huge monster turned up from is anyone's guess. My lad, who also plays, told me to stick to solo play as there are a lot of antisocial misanthropic types out there who'll just blast you for the hell of it.
Anyhoo, my planet landings are getting better and I'm not pitching up too far short now ... and it seems I'm back in the good books of the Federales as they've started letting me do missions for them again.
As for trying new ships, I did buy a Krait II ... armed it to the gills and went off to cart some gear about only to find it didn't have the legs to get across the street. What's with the feeble jumps ranges on these higher cost ships? What my little Asp Ex could have done in 2 jumps would have taken me 40+ jumps in the Krait! Dumb!
Anyhoo, my planet landings are getting better and I'm not pitching up too far short now ... and it seems I'm back in the good books of the Federales as they've started letting me do missions for them again.
As for trying new ships, I did buy a Krait II ... armed it to the gills and went off to cart some gear about only to find it didn't have the legs to get across the street. What's with the feeble jumps ranges on these higher cost ships? What my little Asp Ex could have done in 2 jumps would have taken me 40+ jumps in the Krait! Dumb!

Proguey (12)

now that you have mentioned you were in solo I think some things have changed there lately, namely I have been interdicted lately and found 2 npc's having a go at me, more than once.....was doing a repeated grind between 2 systems so maybe the AI caught on to the fact and knew I would be returning the same way again lol
Now have the rank to buy a Cutter but am holding off for a bit of a think about it.
Already have an Annie and the cost to run a Cutter is pretty high apparently. (just thought the speed would get me out of trouble like my Cobra does hehe)
Now have the rank to buy a Cutter but am holding off for a bit of a think about it.
Already have an Annie and the cost to run a Cutter is pretty high apparently. (just thought the speed would get me out of trouble like my Cobra does hehe)

Cruguey (18)

You sure you have a decent FSD on your krait? The phantom is the highest jump range ship with the MkII a fairly close. Since you have Horizons now I recommend you engineer your FSD for... optimal mass or maybe its just increased range I think. Just make sure you have the right class and its A rated.
I love the cutter. I sold mine a while back and bought a vette and havent rebought it yet. Only one thing about the cutter is make sure you dont overshoot in supercruise! it turns just as slowly in SC as it does in normal space. Oh yeah and being the one who mass locks is super nice too
. but yeah the modules to A rate it are incredibly expensive. I think it is somewhere around a billion just in the modules. But for the price you got some incredible style!
I love the cutter. I sold mine a while back and bought a vette and havent rebought it yet. Only one thing about the cutter is make sure you dont overshoot in supercruise! it turns just as slowly in SC as it does in normal space. Oh yeah and being the one who mass locks is super nice too


Proguey (12)

Thanks for the tips Sinxar....
how do you find the corvette ?
( gulp )....will definitely hang off getting the Cutter now thanks.
Still have trouble working out what mods to use on ships....
Pretty happy with my Cobra with its speed, but really in the dark how to best mod my other ships.
am thinking biweave with the guardian shield or fsd booster with Python and bigger, but then I read use heavy mod on normal lightweight armour and other weird things lol. (think there is no weight gain )
Have not worked out the total mass problem that effects overall performance !
Was mucking about with the Annie and ended up not being able to boost haha
also read that some G5 mods are not always the optimum. eg more heat problems.
I am not combat orientated as yet...may come later so that is another area. Have never mass locked anyone so don't know nuttin there.
I tend to go A rated and highest engineer mod atm ( the ones I have ) , except for D rated sensors and life support.
Its a big learning curve for me but I do like to obtain optimum results with each ship I have.
Was thinking of joining maybe Mobius on PC after I am happy enough with my builds so I can converse with other peeps and get some explanations on various things and also have some company.
ps. skydog1...can i ask what you did to get banned from the Feds ?
how do you find the corvette ?
( gulp )....will definitely hang off getting the Cutter now thanks.

Still have trouble working out what mods to use on ships....
Pretty happy with my Cobra with its speed, but really in the dark how to best mod my other ships.
am thinking biweave with the guardian shield or fsd booster with Python and bigger, but then I read use heavy mod on normal lightweight armour and other weird things lol. (think there is no weight gain )
Have not worked out the total mass problem that effects overall performance !
Was mucking about with the Annie and ended up not being able to boost haha
also read that some G5 mods are not always the optimum. eg more heat problems.
I am not combat orientated as yet...may come later so that is another area. Have never mass locked anyone so don't know nuttin there.
I tend to go A rated and highest engineer mod atm ( the ones I have ) , except for D rated sensors and life support.
Its a big learning curve for me but I do like to obtain optimum results with each ship I have.
Was thinking of joining maybe Mobius on PC after I am happy enough with my builds so I can converse with other peeps and get some explanations on various things and also have some company.
ps. skydog1...can i ask what you did to get banned from the Feds ?
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