What have you been up to in Elite?

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SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Home tonight. Glad I don't fly with Thos.Cook poor sods. Angry


KikiPitts avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Hey, Fellow and Sister Commanders...
Been on the road (in the USA) and will be out of my cockpit for two more weeks. Withdrawals are a bear.

Sorry for your love's loss, SD. Glad it was not made worse by being stranded...poor buggars.

I think I will hang in either Bhotega or Diaguandri when I get back and keep transporting until I get the real hang of it. When I get WDs on core mining, may do that a bit. I am just shy of 2B credits and for some stupid reason want to break that level.

Grreat to hear about livery changes...just before I left I gave Kiki Pitts VIII a new paint job - candy apple red with bright yellow accents.

Talk soon...
Good night commanders.

coloured textCommander Kiki Pittscoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured text

SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Thanks KP.

Today I purchased a Fed Corvette. Spent ages finding the A rated modules but finally got there. Still a bit of tweaking to do and the engineering to get the jump range up to scratch but I'll get there. Eventually. Took it out for a ride around to get the hang of it. It seems a bit sluggish by even Python standards but that 6A Beam laser sure does pack a hefty wallop when paired in tandem with a huge Multi cannon Guns. And then there's the massive cargo capacity! Big grin

And I've still got two free slots and might just stick a few mining tools on the racks Beer


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 5 years ago.

Grats! The vette is so good! If you think it feels sluggish, try the Cutter! The vette will feel like a tuned Eagle in comparison.


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Spent the day at several engineer sites getting the 'Vette sorted:

Hard Points:

2 X 3C Gimballed Cannons (Efficient Weapons Mod) 4A Beam Laser (Efficient weapon mod)


Chaff Launcher Point defence 6 X OA Shield Boosters (Heavy Duty Mod & Flow Control Experimental)

Core Int.:

1A Military Composite Bulkheads
8A Power Plant Armoured/Stripped Down 37.44 MW Output
7A Thrusters Clean Drive Tuned Drive Distributor Experimental
6A FSD Shielded and Stripped Down (A 6 ??? Design fault IMHO FDev should have known better)
8A Power Distributor Shielded and Stripped down
8B Sensors Long-range mod.


2 X 7E Cargo racks 2 X 128 Capacity
7A Shield Cell Bank
6C Bi-Weave Shield Gen. Reinforced and Stripped down (Might change to a 7 and lose one of the big racks)
6B Fuel Scoop
5C Fuel Tank
5A Collector limpet Controller
5D Module and 5E Hull reinforcement
4B Refinery
3C Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller

All up power draw 34.81 MW

Jump Range 10.14/11.45/11.79 (Adequate)

Speed 242 mps Boost 314 mps Rebuy: 30 million.

Got bounced by 4 Anacondas ... but managed to escape with 28% hull integrity. Close call! Wink


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 5 years ago.

Well done SK!....currently at Post Commander atm grinding for same....have not decided on load out yet as I am not sure what I will use if for....Annie, Python and Cobra seem to do everything I need....do not combat yet though....usually run like shit to get away lol....don't have guns anyway.

Will prob have corvette ready after I achieve elite trade rank then I will have a go.

There are some interesting Corvette builds around ...including the Astronomy guy who has some unique thoughts about what to put on....mainly PVE I think...

ps. having trouble with the Hotas 4 (pc) continually rolling hands off...unplugging usb helps for a minute or 2 only...changed dead zone for no effect...frustrating at the least...many curses occurring of late lol


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 5 years ago.

re the hotas 4..... i said stuff it and took the thing apart heh....put a bit of grease on the spring which probably did nothing anyway..after reassembly it worked again but have only used it for about half hour....crossed fingers but not really confident.


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Never used a hotas ... Mouse and Keyboard dinosaur! Wink

I did decide to upgrade to a 7A on the shield generator dropping one of the large size 7 Cargo holds but put in 6 & 4 cargo racks so haven't lost a great deal of haulage tonnage. Now have to traipse to Elvira to get it engineered. 16 jumps in a Vette! Big grin

The efficient weapons mods work well, 7A beamer doesn't overheat nearly as quickly and the thermal spread experimental mod knocks their shields out pdq despite being lower on the damage rating.

Get out there and kill something Baz! You don't need to go far just outside home station look for unidentified signals whilst in supercruise, target it as you would a destination planet and it should give you a readout of what's going on there. You can gain a lot of engineering materials (and encoded materials in partial destroyed hulks) which spawn after you've slotted an enemy craft. Avoid Weapons fire Level 4 until you've got a beastie of a ship though!

Hint: When you're fighting a ship always keep your speed just under the blue, you'll have a tighter turning curve and be able to line up the attacker way before he can get a shot at you. No need for speed in a scrap.


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 5 years ago.

yeh I love the Hotas though....have not tried M & K.

As you play in open it seems a good move to up the shield gen...I would not like to happen upon even 3 Annies in anything reallly lol.

I do intend to get into combat eventurally ,,,,do you use FA off at all....have not tried it but seems like a bit of a learning curve....they usually recommend it for faster turning in combat I believe.

The limpits would be good for picking up those materials you mentioned....how many do you take along ?


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

I never use flight assist. Especially in the SRV! That way lies madness as it tears off at a great rate of knots every time you press the gas pedal.

I usually fill the cargo bay about half full of limpets. You don't actually need them as you can scoop with the ship. But it's a bit tricky as the items tend to scoot about and are easy to miss. Limpets much less annoying. Big grin

Went to Elvira and got engineered up to max. Decided to put it to the test in the Alrai system (Med Security) Loads to go at and plenty of bad lads to wipe out. Might set up base there as they have two material traders, black market (ahem) and it's Hi Tech with everything you'd need for outfitting. Better shift all my junk over from Bhotega. Wink

My Python is now downgraded to exploration and planetary stuff. Served me well but the Corvette rocks my socks off!


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 5 years ago.

glad to hear you like the Corvette..have enough rank for it now but some more to go on trade elite.


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Working on my Combat ranking atm. 21% Master. I'll have to get out in the Corvy a bit more and kick some ass!

Considering upping the ante on the passenger front ... Beluga Mmmmmm? Confused


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

I nuked my old player (Seizewell Warrior) to start afresh (Alton Barnes). It's actually quite good fun although the new starting systems are a bit of a gimmick. The missions dry up once you get to ~100,000 credits so you have to depart for the rest of the Bubble at that point. I've been trying not to "grind" but it's hard to avoid, currently doing a mini "road to riches" out to Ceos/Sothis as i want to scrape together enough credits to buy a mining ship and take a crack at digging for void opals.

Cash isn't really the issue in the game these days, the only downside to starting over is I shudder at the long haul to gather all those engineering materials for my eventual Explorer build.


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 5 years ago.

yeh Big Vern I would probably give up if I had to start over again so I commend you for that.....whichever way you look at the game the grind is certainly part of it eh ?

what I have done is change to another venture when I get sick of the same thing and then come back to it later...for me this is not so much pain lol...and the game keeps me interested that way...have an overall plan which I loosely keep to, which is to work toward triple elite atm, as that is what I rekon the carrier would require...apart from the zillions of dollars !...I am probably wrong but what the heck anyway.

I am using voice attack and a hotas on pc after moving from the PS4..next up is hopefully a VR as they say the game is awesome with one.

At least the special traders now help a lot with the materials required.

good luck on your new adventure mate !


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

When I get bored I just go off and play one of the truck sims or Fallout 4 for a few days, then come back to it.

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